The results of the climate diagnosis and projection are presented on half day workshops at several places in the border region. The purpose of the workshops is to discuss the results directly with local stakeholders and to bring them into relation to the respective specific local climatic conditions. Welcome are actors working in the fields of environment and nature conservation, regional development, agriculture, forestry, water management and tourism as well as the interested public.
More information about time and topic of each workshop will be published in time.
7th September 2014: Zinnwald
Cross-border hiking tour in cooperation with Grüne Liga Osterzgebirge e.V.
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11th September 2014: Ústí nad Labem, Café Nobel
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25th September 2014: Großschönau-Waltersdorf, Naturparkhaus Zittauer Gebirge (bilingual)
16th October 2014: Zinnwald, Hotel Lugsteinhof (bilingual)
16th October 2014: Teplice, Hvězdárna na Písečném vrchu
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6th November 2014: Most, public library
13th November 2014: Liberec, Technical University
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18th November 2014: Varnsdorf, public library
9th December 2014: Dresden, Statuskolloquium Klima at LfULG
11th December 2014: Barenstein-Vejprty (bilingual)
Stakeholder workshops in the past:
14th July 2013: Zinnwald
Cross-border hiking tour in cooperation with Grüne Liga Osterzgebirge e.V.
5th December 2013: Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences
13th February 2014: Liberec, Technical University
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15th April 2014: Krásná Lipa, České Švýcarsko o.p.s.
8th May 2014: Fichtelberg
Field trip to the climate station and dedication of information panel
17th June 2014: Dresden, AG Klimafolgen at LfULG